The ones who usurp our first loves

I blame the boys, our sons. They come into our unsuspecting lives, take them over, wrap us around their tiny fingers, trail imageus everywhere, everything starts and ends with their mommies, they behave like jealous boyfriends with our husbands, and say stuff like ‘I will marry only you.’

And then one day, they go ahead and grow up and find someone else to do/ say all that to. What chance does a girl’s heart have to recover from that?

Sigh!! 🙂

What will you leave behind?

More than their physical assets, I wish people could leave behind personal traits for their loved ones, a will of sorts of their best characteristics. “To my beloved husband, I leave my patience and acceptance of people, warts and all. I would like my selflessness & lack of ego to be equally divided among my children. They will need it in the coming days. To my daughter, I leave my perseverance and hardiness, my eternal belief that this too shall pass. I want for my son to have my ability to bring people together & help them thrive…”

If only…what will you leave behind?